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 - Morrowind

Новый чар

Tare   29 августа 2009 в 18:41

Вот захотелось снова поиграть в Морру Проходил уже наверно раз 15 но всегда или за мага с акцентом на разрушение или воина с длинными клинками и захотелось узнать интересно ли играть за вора,ассасина или тому подобных или скажем за рукопашного бойца и сможет ли рукопашный боец что либо сделать против сильных тварей когда дальше по игре пройдеш ???Жду ответов)))

fhigbbhfbghjcb kgjkdjk   29 августа 2009 в 20:41

Сам всегда играю за Вора и ты знаешь, очень увлекательно так получается) Реально, за Вора интересно и даже я бы сказал, что легко играть...

Z4b3o8v7p   29 августа 2009 в 22:43

Воин пишется без и краткого...
На рукопашке далеко не уйдешь...рукопашка хиты не сразу повреждает....геморой.

Tare   29 августа 2009 в 23:34


A.Soldier of Light   30 августа 2009 в 13:09

На рукопашке далеко не уйдешь...рукопашка хиты не сразу повреждает....геморой.
Определённо точно. Имхо, это с алхимией или читами когда балуешься, можно поиздеваться. А вообще рукопашка это не серьезно. Оружия в игре для чего?...

Z4b3o8v7p   30 августа 2009 в 14:11

Ну это не то чтобы несерьезно.Просто бессмысленно.По сути,рукопашка нужна всего лишь для двух квестов,не более.В обливионе её хоть чуток подправили,и можно было драться...но тут нереал завалить.Считай,у врага жизни с плюсованным запасом сил...да,тяжко.

Shifroval   30 августа 2009 в 15:10

В код патче сделали зависимость урона от силы...
Кому интересно.
Для 1С подходит. Автор специально для нас совместимость сделал :))

А вообще - меговестчЪ этот код патчер.

Z4b3o8v7p   30 августа 2009 в 15:12

К сожалению,я играю на чистенькой 1совской версии)

Shifroval   30 августа 2009 в 15:19

Так поставь патчер, хуже то не будет.
К тому же там можно выбирать что изменять, а что нет.
Изменения то хоть почитай...

Там решены такие проблемы как одевание торговцами твоих вещей, "проблема 100", когда выше характеристики выше 100 не восстановить, восстановление выносливости у неписей при наложенном закле понижения выносливости(должны лежать на земле, а они бегают).
Что ещё...а да! Во время бурь и под водой зачаренные вещи больше не белые.
Ну и разные улучшения, типа возможность добавлять 2 одинковых эффекта в закл, показ полоски жизни при лечении непися, и пофиксен просчёт отношения выше 100, если на тебе закл по увеличению привлекательности.
Пофиксен глюк с неучитыванием отражения при наличии поглощения.
Пофиксен баг с атакой существ, когда атака их телом(когтями, лапами) не ломала доспехи..

Ну и разного тоже много. Я щас только треть расписал.
Скачай и почитай.

Z4b3o8v7p   30 августа 2009 в 15:23

Нифига себе,не ломала.Оборотни раскроили мою снарягу в пещерке на бладмуне в два счетаО_о
А вообще...я нехочу ставить не потому,что что-то хуже будет.Это что-то личное.Вообще нехочу ставить никаких фиксилок.И тем более плаги.

Shifroval   30 августа 2009 в 16:05

Это не плаг, это прога, она ехешник переписывает.
Странно, тебе хочется с багами играть? Ёжики если кактус? :)))
Вот тебе полный список того, что может патчер:


Makes rain and snow stop falling through static objects, allowing you to take shelter under buildings and trees. Increases CPU load during these weather conditions; there will be a small performance hit, less if you have a fast processor.

To work as intended you should increase the range weather is rendered, change your weather settings in morrowind.ini:

[Weather Rain] change these:
Rain Diameter=1200
Max Raindrops=1500
[Weather Thunderstorm] change these:
Rain Diameter=1200
Max Raindrops=3000
[Weather Snow] change these:
Snow Diameter=1600
Max Snowflakes=1500

Each light has a range specified in the construction set, any objects beyond that range do not get lit by that light. The effective brightness of the light at that range is not quite zero, leading to an obvious and abrupt darkening if a object moves out of range, and also lines between meshes where one is lit properly and the other is not.

This fix doubles the distance from a light before this cut-off occurs. It reduces lighting seams and choppy lighting in dark areas.

It does however cause a trade-off. In certain areas with many light sources close together (e.g. mazes and multi-level dungeons), lighting may be darker than it should be. This is due to a limitation of DirectX, nearly all drivers support a maximum of 8 lights per object and ignore the rest. With a larger light falloff, this can be noticable. Testing shows it improves most dungeons, but this information should be taken into account.

Bump and reflection maps, including enchant glow, are now dependent on local illumination, the bump/glow effect becomes less intense as local lighting gets darker.

Moves the third person camera to a position over the right shoulder. The camera position is fixed; although the game can support camera movement it will require MWSE/MGE scripting to do so.

Игровая механика.

Previously, items you enchant had the same value as the unenchanted version. With this patch, the newly enchanted item increases in value based on the enchantment capacity used, and the size of the soul used.

This patch allows you to steal from NPCs that have been knocked out. Previously you would get a 'You are in combat' message.

This may also allow you to talk to some hostile NPCs, if you manage to sneak up on them before they start beating on you. Not an intended feature, but interesting.

Spellmaking/enchanting limits spell magnitudes to 100. Certain effects should be usable above that level (ie. feather, burden). Spell magnitude limit has been increased to 1000 (from 100).

Reduces spellmaker spell duration cap to 300 from 1440. Makes dragging the duration bar more precise.

NPCs collapse with exhaustion when their fatigue goes below zero. This could happen with drain fatigue spells, but damage fatigue could never reduce it below zero. Now it can, and NPCs typically will remain on the floor until the damage fatigue spell expires.

Hand to hand damage was only based on the skill level. It now varies with strength. The damage is equivalent to original Morrowind damage at 40 strength and increases up to 2.5x at 100 strength.

The spellmaker would not allow you to add most spell effects more than once. It now allows you to add a spell effect multiple times with different parameters.

Adding a large area effect to spells had a cost which was independent of the spell magnitude. For balance and realism, large area spells should cost significantly more than they do. This makes the area effect spells modifier cost * (1 + area^2/400).

Allows the enchanting of arrows, bolts, and throwing weapons. It will enchant a number of items equivalent to the soul charge of the soul gem; larger souls are more cost efficient at this. This is not considered balanced, but a fun feature. The default enchanting capacity of these items may need to be modified.

Changes the Fortify Health spell to behave more like Fortify Maximum Health. The effect will now increase both current and maximum health.

Warning: Remove active Fortify Health effects from the player before activating this fix. It cannot automatically fix spell effects that were cast before it was installed.


This patch is primarily made to accommodate Tamriel Rebuilt. It resizes the map to show a larger area of Tamriel than before, and moves the map origin to the south of Vvardenfell.

The scale is reduced to 5/9 of the original.

Map boundaries:
Original map: (-28,-28) to (28,28)
Expanded map: (-51,-64) to (51,38)

It is possible to zoom in (2x) the world map to get a better view using PgUp/PgDn. It uses magnification of the map texture, so texture quality is affected.

Savegames created before this patch is activated will have their maps automatically rescaled, there is no need to make a new game.

Sets the menu system to use pixel resize filtering, intended to improve the appearance of world map zoom (chunky pixels instead of blurry ones). This may be a matter of personal taste. Although this change affects all menus, buttons and icons are always displayed at original size, so appear the same.

Doubles the allowed width of the main menu frame and buttons. This MUST be used with double width texture replacements for all of the main menu buttons.


This patch reduces the amount of save game corruption by fixing the load and save system within Morrowind. Savegames remain fully compatible with original Morrowind, but remember you may encounter crashes when reverting because of conflicts this patch avoids.

How it works:
There are three separate changes to this fix.

The mod loader can now identify inserted and deleted mods properly, by matching their filenames. You can now change your load order without problems. Adding mods to your savegame will now cause much less issues. It is still recommended to use Wrye Mash to update changed mods in place.

Clean saving. Morrowind now effectively cleans your savegame every time you remove a mod, with the same effect as removing a mod using Wrye Mash. This does reset everything the mod has changed, in particular NPCs and items placed in the world. If you wish to retain the changed information, you will need to use the new Keep Replaced Refs feature. Read the FAQ for details on how to use it.

The local ref bug fix. Morrowind's loader used a flawed system which causes many corrupt references, disappearing objects and some crashes on load. The reference loader has been redesigned to avoid the majority of these issues.

Merchants should no longer pay less for an item with increasing mercantile skill. The issue was that prices merchants pay, were capped by the price the merchant sells the same item at. The sell price was dipping too low, causing the buy price to go down too. It is now uncapped.

It does show the underlying barter mechanics aren't balanced well. To avoid exploitable situations with the barter system all stat-based price modifiers are reduced by 50%.

Unarmored skill now gives proper damage reduction when you are fully unarmoured. Previously you had to wear at least one piece of armour to get any armour rating contribution.

The year now has the full 12 months, starting at Morning Star, and all months have correct number of days. Caused by month numbering not matching between the string table and month length table. Month numbering is now 0 to 11 to represent Morning Star to Evening Star.

When selling to a merchant, they may equip any item they can use, which means it is no longer possible to buy that item back. Now any NPC that barters should no longer equip anything you sell them. Note this does not affect what they are currently wearing when you apply the patch.

For compatibility, it does not prevent a merchant equipping anything if a script adds items to the merchant's inventory.

Restore attributes spells did not recognise Fortify effects when restoring. Take for example, a base agility of 50, fortified by +30 to 80. If your agility was damaged below 80, a Restore spell would only restore up to 50 and stop working. Restore attributes spells now restore up to your fully fortified amount.

The same problem occured when Drain attributes spells expired. These should now restore the fortified attribute properly as well.

The StreamMusic script command always sets music volume to maximum, this patch prevents that.

Calm humanoid and calm creature force the target out of combat, whatever the magnitude of the spell. With this patch, NPCs and creatures leave combat only if they are sufficiently calmed. Bug caused by the spell calling StopCombat every frame.

If you had constant effect items equipped when you became a vampire, your stats could be increased by more than they should have (as noted in the GCD readme). The cause was a bug in the Fortify Attribute spell when used as an ability. This fix does not change your stats if you are already a vampire.

When you cast an absorb spell and it's reflected, you absorb from yourself and the enemy gets nothing. Apparently not as intended. Now the enemy will absorb from you instead.

Transparent items now show up properly on the figure (paper doll) in the inventory window. The game used the alpha (transparency) channel to record which pixel belonged to which item, so it was possible to pick items straight off the picture. Fixed by separating the rendering into two passes, one for the picture with full transparency, one for the alpha channel the game expects.

Depending on video card and driver, this may rarely cause slight graphical issues with other transparent objects. Remove it if it becomes a problem.

Enchanted items no longer turn white underwater, in dust storms or fog. Caused by the game not turning off fog during multipass rendering, making the fog add on top of the regular reflect map.

Restore spells now activate the NPC health bar as well, allowing you to see the effect of your healing.

When talking to someone while under the effect of a personality increase that would push disposition over 100, extra disposition could be lost when the effect expired. This should no longer happen.

Spells with a variable magnitude (eg. 5-10pts) which affect an attribute, skill or rating would rarely ever acheive the highest (eg. 10pts) magnitude when cast. Now the highest magnitude should have an equal chance to appear.

Dispel is a chance-based effect, but it would invisibly stack with itself if cast multiple times, until any dispel would always succeed. This makes dispel work as described.

Creatures that didn't wield weapons but struck with their body wouldn't cause armour damage. This allows them to do so.

Fixes issues with inventory updates when:
- Using potions/ingredients via quickslot; when you used the last potion in a stack the icon would remain, clicking on it could crash the game. It also occured when a potion was drunk through a script.
- Companion using soul trap; when another NPC used soultrap and captured a soul, your inventory display would be overwritten by the NPCs inventory.

Potions used to be drunk without waiting for their effects to finish, meaning an NPC could go through its whole supply in a second. Potion drinking is now limited to once every 5-6 seconds game time.

They were also confined to drinking health and fatigue potions. NPCs now drink magicka potions if their magicka goes below 50%.

The Blind effect gave an attack bonus to the PC instead of a penalty. This should no longer happen.

Morrowind removed gloss map entries from model files after loading them. This stops Morrowind from removing them.

Multiple integrated fixes:

- Land lighting. Range check for lighting land meshes fixed. Dynamic lights should no longer cause large dark squares near land subdivison edges.

- Dynamic actor light update. Moving actors are relit while moving, but it did not take the player's light into account. Caused moving actors to flicker in towns / fighting unlit actors in caves despite holding a torch.

- Excess player lighting removed. 1st person and 3rd person light sources were both active at the same time, causing over bright lighting for the player. You may need to adjust your gamma.

- Light mesh lighting. Dropped lights were not getting lit by other lights in interiors. Now working.

Particle emitters attached to non-uniform scaled nodes (e.g. Trueflame) no longer detach from the weapon model. Fixed by updating the particle manager to handle non-uniform scaled emitters.

Particle emitters attached to weapon bones no longer reset if an animation is playing. This fixes the strange behaviour of particle arrows. Caused by a bug in animation management.

Projectiles fired off-centre (in first person view) for some races if you aimed significantly up or down. This no longer occurs. Another issue with non-uniform scaling on player models.

Also corrects the very off aiming in 3rd person view, which should be usuable now.

Casting waterwalk while swimming would cause fall damage if you had previously jumped into the water from a large height. This should no longer happen.

Training prices were incorrectly calculated from the fortified/drained skill level instead of the base skill level.

Tare   30 августа 2009 в 16:30

Хмм не хиленько так исправляет ...)

Is Here In My Arms   31 августа 2009 в 03:34

Тоже предпочитаю чистый Морровинд... Хотя когда-то, узнав, какое обилие плагов для него, увлекся ими. Но перепробовав кучу, был сильно разочарован и в дальнейшем не ставил вообще ничего.

Good Morning   31 августа 2009 в 05:12

Отличный патч! Жаль одно, письмецо для регистрации не высылают. Уже и на три мыла пытался зарегистрироваться, а нет. Это нормально, когда письмо, даже через десяток часов не шлётся? Эхм, в любом случае - придётся ожидать, нет ничего желаннее, чем желать улучшение родной игры.

Shifroval   31 августа 2009 в 10:01

Да вот вам патчер, мне не жалко ^___^
Не бейтесь об стенку уже :)))

usoid   31 августа 2009 в 12:59


Good Morning   31 августа 2009 в 23:05

Благодарствую ^^

А ведь ещё не выслали активацию.. =(

Shifroval   1 сентября 2009 в 00:45

А мыло какое у тебя? Судя по профилю - яндекс.
Странно, мне на мой яндекс всё доходит. Это на мейл часто не приходит от забугорных сайтов, хз почему.

А вообще, отписался в лс тебе, смотри.

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